Fishing is a rest. It’s communication with nature. Silence, concentration, thoughts. Fishing is not only sport but also stories about successful catches.
Hunting is an exciting thing, but the main thing in hunting not to be a trophy…
Mountain skiing will give you real rest after the tiredness of city life, you will have an opportunity to meet new people and to feel happy moments.
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Finland gives their citizens and tourists good opportunities for various hunting. In this country it is allowed to hunt for more that 60 species of mammals and birds. Depending on a season and having a license one can hunt deer,elks, bears, roes, foxes,raccoons, badgers, muskrats, martens, wood grouses, ducks, partridges, black grouses and so on in Finland.Local people are allowed to hunt only if they belong to Finnish hunter league where there are more than 250 thousand people and if they have corresponding license and an allowance for using arms. The places for hunting animals and birds are ticked on a special hunter map, and quota is decided by the Institute of Hunting and Fishing. About 6 % of population own Finnish hunter maps. For getting a right for hunting in Finland a foreigner should show a hunter map, actual in his country, otherwise you will have to take exam-test. A hunter map is valid only one year from the 1st of August to the 31st of July of the next year.
A hunter should have:
-a license for having a rifle
-a hunter map
-a right for hunting
-hunter test
A license for a rifle is given in the Russian Federation only if you own a smooth-bore hunter arms for 5 years. It is valid for 6 months. An application is considered in a district department of giving licenses for about 20-30 days. An applicant must have an origin of the passport and its copy, hunter’s ticket and its copy, medical reference number 046, two photos 3*4, receipt about payment of a state duty,a reference from Militia according to your registration about having an arm for 5 years, a cope of valid and last allowance on a rifle, a report of control shooting of a rifle( in cases of prolongation). If you have this license you can buy a rifle, and then you should register it in a regional license department. After this an allowance for keeping and carrying a rifle is given, which takes about two weeks.
A hunter map is a receipt about payment of a state duty. Insurance for one year is included in the price in case which is caused by a gun during hunting. The tourist who wants to hunt in Finland should have a hunter certificate which allows to hunt in the country whose citizen he is.
A hunter pass is bought at the landowner, where there will be hunting. If the land belongs to a state, a hunter pass for one week can be bought in local organs of state power. It is given to a concrete person or to a group. Tourist-hunters should buy it beforehand.
The hunters on a big animal should pass a test on accuracy once in 3 years: three shoots on a fixed target and three shoots on a moving target at the distance of 75 meters. The necessary condition is hitting of all shoots in the area of 65 cm diameter. If it is done, a certificate for years is given. A tourist-hunter also has to pass a test if he hasn’t such in his country.
A hunting without a license is possible in renting or private lands. In this case it’s enough to have a hunter pass.
The most popular hunting in Finland is hunting on mooses, which begins at the end of September and lasts to the middle of December. Every year the number of licenses, given for mooses shooting, increases because of a big number of them and because they do considerable harm to a forest and agriculture and cause troubles on a road. The best place for mooses hunting is considered a neck between the lakes Suwaswesi and Juojarvi. The hunting season on mooses begins in Finland in November and ends in January. Hinting for birds lasts from September to October.
A hunter should have:
-a license for having a rifle
-a hunter map
-a right for hunting
-hunter test
A license for a rifle is given in the Russian Federation only if you own a smooth-bore hunter arms for 5 years. It is valid for 6 months. An application is considered in a district department of giving licenses for about 20-30 days. An applicant must have an origin of the passport and its copy, hunter’s ticket and its copy, medical reference number 046, two photos 3*4, receipt about payment of a state duty,a reference from Militia according to your registration about having an arm for 5 years, a cope of valid and last allowance on a rifle, a report of control shooting of a rifle( in cases of prolongation). If you have this license you can buy a rifle, and then you should register it in a regional license department. After this an allowance for keeping and carrying a rifle is given, which takes about two weeks.
A hunter map is a receipt about payment of a state duty. Insurance for one year is included in the price in case which is caused by a gun during hunting. The tourist who wants to hunt in Finland should have a hunter certificate which allows to hunt in the country whose citizen he is.
A hunter pass is bought at the landowner, where there will be hunting. If the land belongs to a state, a hunter pass for one week can be bought in local organs of state power. It is given to a concrete person or to a group. Tourist-hunters should buy it beforehand.
The hunters on a big animal should pass a test on accuracy once in 3 years: three shoots on a fixed target and three shoots on a moving target at the distance of 75 meters. The necessary condition is hitting of all shoots in the area of 65 cm diameter. If it is done, a certificate for years is given. A tourist-hunter also has to pass a test if he hasn’t such in his country.
A hunting without a license is possible in renting or private lands. In this case it’s enough to have a hunter pass.
The most popular hunting in Finland is hunting on mooses, which begins at the end of September and lasts to the middle of December. Every year the number of licenses, given for mooses shooting, increases because of a big number of them and because they do considerable harm to a forest and agriculture and cause troubles on a road. The best place for mooses hunting is considered a neck between the lakes Suwaswesi and Juojarvi. The hunting season on mooses begins in Finland in November and ends in January. Hinting for birds lasts from September to October.